2. It gives better condition of skin and hair.
3.Each filter rated to neutralizes up to 10,000 liters / 2,500 gallons of water.
4. It help scrubbing and neutralize when taking a shower.
5. Be able to use a filter for min 2 month and max 4 month.
6.100% organic and environmentally safe
7.Natural and environmentally safe way to neutralizes 99.9% of harmful chlorine and chloramine from tap water
The Vitamin Gelshower Filter belongs to the following: 1. Compared to a powder type filter, it does not turn brown easily (because of humidity and sunlight). 2. It doesn't smell which is caused by algae. 3. It has the advantage of dissolving equally of vitamin gel in the water compared to powder types. 4. It lasts longer compared to powder type filters which is more economically beneficial. (recommended for hotels and other types of guesthouse)